Tips to Protect Your Eyesight

How to protect your eyesight

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) has dubbed May “Healthy Vision Month.” To celebrate, Dr. Linda Vu of Linda Vision would like to share some tips for protecting your eyesight. Read on to learn how you can maintain healthy eyes and strong vision every month of the year.

Wear Sunglasses Daily

Especially in a climate like Southern California, the sun’s rays can be strong and potentially dangerous to the eyes. Long-term, unprotected exposure to the sun has been known to cause cataracts. Commit to wearing sunglasses whenever you step outside. Your glasses should block out 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B rays.

Quit Smoking

In addition to the numerous other risks of cigarettes, tobacco is dangerous for the health of your eyes. It has been linked with the onset of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. If over-the-counter smoking cessation aids like gum or patches fail to help you quit, seek the advice of a medical doctor.

Avoid Sports-Related Hazards

You don’t need to stop playing your favorite contact sport (e.g., football, hockey), but you do need to protect your eyes from the impact of flying objects. Wear protective eyewear that meets the specific standards of your sport. Check with the governing body of your sport for requirements.

Incorporate Eye-Friendly Foods into Your Diet

Making simple tweaks to your diet can help protect your eyes from vision-robbing diseases. Eat plenty of dark, leafy greens, citrus fruits and coldwater fish like salmon. These foods are packed with eye-friendly vitamins C and E and other nutrients essential to eye health.

Have Your Eyes Checked Yearly

Having regular eye exams is one of the most important things you can do to protect your vision and the health of your eyes. Your ophthalmologist will check your eyes for any signs of disease or visual disorders, and measure your visual acuity (updating your eyeglass prescription if necessary). For the general population, an annual eye exam is sufficient. For people with a history of eye disease, diabetes or high blood pressure, exams should be scheduled more frequently.

Contact Dr. Linda Vu Today

As a leading Los Angeles-area ophthalmologist, Dr. Linda Vu offers services ranging from standard eye examinations to cataract surgery to laser vision correction with LASIK.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Vu to discuss your personal eye care needs, please call (626) 382-2020 today.

Cómo proteger su vista

La Academia Americana de Oftalmología (AAO) ha denominado Mayo el “Mes de la Visión Saludable.” Para celebrar, la doctora Linda Vu de Linda Vision le gustaría compartir algunos consejos para proteger su vista. Siga leyendo para aprender cómo usted puede mantener ojos sanos y visión fuerte todos los meses del año.

Usar Gafas de Sol Diario

Especialmente en un clima como el sur de California, los rayos del sol pueden ser fuertes y potencialmente peligroso para los ojos. Se ha sabido que a largo plazo, la exposición al sol sin protección, causa cataratas. Comprométase a usar gafas de sol cada vez que salga afuera. Sus gafas deben bloquear el 100 por ciento de los rayos UV-A y UV-B.

Dejar de Fumar

Además de los otros numerosos riesgos de los cigarrillos, el tabaco es peligroso para la salud de sus ojos. Se ha vinculado con el comienzo de la degeneración macular relacionada con la edad y cataratas (cataracts). Si ayudas para la cesación de fumar que se venden sin receta médica como chicle o parches no ayudan a dejar de fumar, busque el consejo de un médico.

Evitar Peligros Relacionados con el Deporte

No es necesario dejar de jugar su deporte de contacto favorito (por ejemplo, fútbol, hockey), pero sí es necesario proteger sus ojos del impacto de objetos voladores. Use gafas de protección que cumplan con las normas específicas de su deporte. Consulte con el grupo gobernante de su deporte para los requisitos.

Incorpore Alimentos Buenos para los Ojos en su Dieta

Hacer simples ajustes a su dieta puede ayudar a proteger sus ojos contra enfermedades que roban la vista. Coma muchas verduras de hoja verde oscuras, frutas cítricas, y pescado de agua fría como el salmón. Estos alimentos están llenos de vitaminas C y E que son buenas para los ojos, y otros nutrientes esenciales para la salud ocular.

Revísese la Vista Anualmente

Someterse a exámenes regulares de los ojos es una de las cosas más importantes que puede hacer para proteger su visión y la salud de sus ojos. Su oftalmólogo le examinará los ojos para detectar cualquier signo de enfermedad o trastornos visuales, y medir su agudeza visual (actualizando su receta de anteojos si es necesario). Para la población general, un examen anual de la vista es suficiente. Para las personas con un historial de enfermedad de los ojos, la diabetes o la presión arterial alta, exámenes deben programarse con mayor frecuencia.

Póngase en Contacto con la Dra. Linda Vu Hoy

Como una oftalmóloga líder en el área de Los Ángeles, la Dra. Linda Vu ofrece servicios que se extienden desde exámenes de la vista estándar, a la cirugía de cataratas, a la corrección de la visión láser con LASIK.  Para programar una cita con la Dra. Vu para discutir sus necesidades de cuidado de los ojos personales, por favor llame al (626) 382-2020 hoy.

How to protect your eyesight

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) has dubbed May “Healthy Vision Month.” To celebrate, Dr. Linda Vu of Linda Vision would like to share some tips for protecting your eyesight. Read on to learn how you can maintain healthy eyes and strong vision every month of the year.

Wear Sunglasses Daily

Especially in a climate like Southern California, the sun’s rays can be strong and potentially dangerous to the eyes. Long-term, unprotected exposure to the sun has been known to cause cataracts. Commit to wearing sunglasses whenever you step outside. Your glasses should block out 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B rays.

Quit Smoking

In addition to the numerous other risks of cigarettes, tobacco is dangerous for the health of your eyes. It has been linked with the onset of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. If over-the-counter smoking cessation aids like gum or patches fail to help you quit, seek the advice of a medical doctor.

Avoid Sports-Related Hazards

You don’t need to stop playing your favorite contact sport (e.g., football, hockey), but you do need to protect your eyes from the impact of flying objects. Wear protective eyewear that meets the specific standards of your sport. Check with the governing body of your sport for requirements.

Incorporate Eye-Friendly Foods into Your Diet

Making simple tweaks to your diet can help protect your eyes from vision-robbing diseases. Eat plenty of dark, leafy greens, citrus fruits and coldwater fish like salmon. These foods are packed with eye-friendly vitamins C and E and other nutrients essential to eye health.

Have Your Eyes Checked Yearly

Having regular eye exams is one of the most important things you can do to protect your vision and the health of your eyes. Your ophthalmologist will check your eyes for any signs of disease or visual disorders, and measure your visual acuity (updating your eyeglass prescription if necessary). For the general population, an annual eye exam is sufficient. For people with a history of eye disease, diabetes or high blood pressure, exams should be scheduled more frequently.

Contact Dr. Linda Vu Today

As a leading Los Angeles-area ophthalmologist, Dr. Linda Vu offers services ranging from standard eye examinations to cataract surgery to laser vision correction with LASIK.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Vu to discuss your personal eye care needs, please call (626) 382-2020 today.